+44 (0) 1483 281 802
Unlocking the power of your customer base

CIPD Finalist – L&D Consultancy

Customer Essential and RSA were shortlisted for the coveted CIPD awards – Best L&D Consultancy 2016. It was an honour to be shortlisted, and it was really exciting to attend the CIPD Awards Dinner. The judges noted after our presentation:

“This was a strong presentation to the judges, with a clear sense of connection and collaboration between client and customer. The involvement of a participant in the programme was particularly valuable”.

This makes us all very proud, and even more “fired-up” to take this and other leading edge customer leadership programmes forwards. Congratulations to all the finalists, there are some amazing programmes out there!

Merlin, Katherine, Liz & Luke

Merlin, Katherine, Liz & Luke


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